NW Polygraph

Examiners Ass'n

Contact us

For questions, corrections, help, or to change your membership status, feel free to contact members of our executive board or a state representative. If they don't have the answer they will try to find out. We are volunteers, so please be patient.

Listed below are the current officers. Those whose names are highlighted in color may be contacted through this site.  Just click on the highlighted name to get an email address for that person. However, if you are not an NPEA member who has logged on to this site, you will NOT have access to email addresses.


Bev Reinhold, President, (Term Ends June 2025)
Kevin Darst, Vice President (Term ends June 2026)
Cory Russell, Sec/Treas (Term ends June 2026)


Ted Dehart (Term ends June 2027)
Bear Bryant (Term ends June 2027)
Gary Marang (Term ends June 2025)

Steve Norton (Prior President)


Oregon: Bear Bryant 

Washington: Ted Dehart

Idaho: Gary Marang

    Standards and Ethics: Awaiting Appointment
    Audit Committee: Ted Pulver
    Membership & Grievance: Randy Ruegsegger
        Washington DOC - Rick Minnich
        Washington State Legislature - Ted Dehart


Cory Russell, NPEA Sec/Treas

c/o Ada County Sheriff's Office

7200 Barrister Dr.

Boise, ID 83704

SITE ADMINISTRATOR: For issues regarding this site contact Cory Russell.

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